BREAKING NEWS: Omnidian Acquires Solar Service Guys to Strengthen Client Support and Enhance Solar Solutions Across Australia

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Continuous Monitoring


Knowledge is Power and Monitoring is Putting the Power in Your Hands

Many solar installations come without any monitoring or visibility of the system's performance. There is a large range of system monitoring solutions and platforms which aim to provide you with transparency of your solar panel's performance. We believe in ensuring you have full visibility of your system's performance in real time.


Plug & Play

We can offer you a monitoring solution that is installed in your meter box, independently of your inverter. It’s quick and easy to install and can provide you with real-time data about both your solar system generation & your energy consumption.

Plug & Play

Monitoring & Performance Reports

Monitoring & Performance Reports

We offer a 24/7 Monitoring Service, which is supported by monthly performance reports and analysis. If your solar system is central to carbon offset and requires frequent reporting for compliance, we can provide this service for any number of Systems.

Reactive Maintenance & Monitoring

We offer a bundled service, where we can monitor your solar system, and if there are any faults or errors, we can attend to and rectify all problems. Here are the most common things we see in monitoring:

• System turned off
• A drop in Performance
• Communications not working
• Inverter Faults


Reactive Maintenance & Monitoring

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